Shorelines Cleanup

Removing Aweful Trash Bay Rat Logo Blank TrimmedIn the fall of 2020, San Antonio Bay Partnership began organizing a Shorelines Cleanup around the Port O’Connor area. Much like the Abandoned Crab Trap Cleanup efforts, volunteers head out in boats & kayaks to small island shorelines throughout Matagorda Bay, Epiritu Santo Bay and San Antonio Bay. Volunteers are provided gloves and bags then walk or paddle picking up trash. Trash is often hidden in the cord grass and mangroves, it can be a difficult task. But our volunteers know they make an impact. We ask volunteers to log  items of trash they removed.  In the three years since we’ve started this event, plastic bottles are by far the most common item (6983) followed by plastic pieces, aluminum cans and plastic bags. 

2024 Shorelines Cleanup PLAN

2023 Outstanding Effort by our Partnering Organizations and Individual Volunteers!

Click here for the full   2023 SABP Shoreline Cleanup Summary

 Shorelines Cleanup Results Image

Thank you to our 2023 Shorelines Cleanup Partners!

Read our previous year’s cleanup summaries:   2020     2021     2022


Marine Debris Sign ( )
The 2020 Winner of the Most Unusual Item Award was this sign warning about marine debris!

Become a Bay R.A.T. Join us to Remove Awful Trash!