Upcoming Paddles

Explore the Bay & More Paddling Series 2019 

As in the past, San Antonio Bay Partnership is requesting a $20 donation to attend each paddling trip. Alternatively, you can become an SABP sponsor for $100 and enjoy all the paddles. The donations from paddlers will be used to improve paddling infrastructure. The first project is the improvement of the Seadrift Bayfront Park access site by adding picnic tables, port-a-pottie, a little shade and some general aesthetic improvements.  We are about half way to our funding goal and hope to do the improvements this summer.

As in the past, we will bring refreshments or lunch as meets the schedule for paddle, and we’ll provide an informative presentation about ecology or history of the area. If you don’t see a paddling route that you would like, contact me—I would love to customize to meet your groups’ interest.

Look forward to seeing you soon,  Allan Berger, SABP Chair & Paddling Trip Leader

Click links below to see details of the paddling trip. Scroll down to register.

Sunday, November 3: San Antonio River, 20 miles, Experienced Paddlers

Hey Paddlers, you may want to spend that first weekend in November paddling on the San Antonio River by also participating in the GOLIAD FLOTILLA hosted by Canoe Trail Goliad  on Saturday, November 2. The Flotilla puts in at U.S. Highway 59 San Antonio River Bridge and takes out at Goliad State Park (6.5 miles). The SABP trip on Sunday, Nov 3 will put in at the park and paddle to Duke River Bridge (20 miles). We’ll provide the Flotilla registration link when available.

Register here for SABP paddling trips by entering the date and trip location below. $20 suggested donation will help improve paddling trails.

Paddling Date & Location

or Become an SABP Paddling SPONSOR ($100 donation) to enjoy any or all of our paddling trips for the entire year! To become a Paddling Sponsor click here:

SPONSORS only – register here for individual paddling events. Enter the date and trip location below ($1.00)

Sponsor Paddle Date & Location

See you on the water! If you would like to be included on our email announcements please contact AllanRBerger@comcast.net 

Check out our fun times during Past Paddles!